My friend Ang~ gave us these two mice, that were supposed to be both girls.
When we took them home they both looked like girls, so we named them
Angelina and Alice, from a book series.
But one week later the gray mouse had boy parts descend.
From what I've been told mice reproduce like rabbits and
we are in for trouble with a capital T which rhymes with P which stands for Pool.... carried away by the Music Man for a moment.
So we are waiting to see if Alice (the black female) is "with child" (children)
or if she is just getting a little pudgy around the middle
because we give them great snacks. The gray male is now Angelo.
Honestly I'm not sure what we're going to do with a herd of mice.
I can't knowingly give them to someone for snake food. I just can't.
They may not be my pet of choice but I just can't.
I'd almost rather have the cats get them because that seems less traumatic
than being swallowed alive and whole!
And I can't have 22 tanks around my house
with one mouse in each to keep them from multiplying! UGH!!!
We took the kids to the 99 cent store today. They have bamboo there....I like bamboo. But once we were in there and the kids got hyper over stupid cheap little crap I forgot to look for the bamboo!! Every time we go there Isaac wants this lightweight cardboard airplane that you put together yourself and it has suction cups on the ends so you can throw it and it will stick to the windows and fridge etc... Naissa wanted a "Barbie". I told her that they were crap and that the legs would fall off. But she begged and pleaded in such a cute sweet way that I figured, What the's 99 cents and it won't clutter the house because it will fall apart and we will throw it away. We didn't expect it to lose it's legs in the car on the way home, but it did. After being in our house for only a minute, Naissa walks into the kitchen with the doll in pieces and declares, "I don't want this stupid doll she won't stay together" and she slammed her on the table. A few minutes later she changed her mind and brought me her doll and asked me to "fix" her.
Most of my family loves them,
one kid doesn't but I can't remember which kid at the moment.
So go to Walmart and get you some!
Don't forget the milk!
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