Wednesday, October 31, 2007


We ended up going to our church for Halloween night. The kids had fun! Jade was a gypsy, Zack wore his Tae Kwon Do gear, Naissa was Tinkerbell and Isaac wore red sweat pants, and orange baseball style shirt with a black sweater vest, on top of that he wore his Batman cape and mask...the old school version with Michael Keaton as Batman on the back of his cape. My mom found it in China Town in San Fransisco. lol!

Jade helped with one of the booths and Zack spent his time at the dunk tank...dunking the "leaders" in the church...and at the dime toss...where he tossed coins and won odd dishes and such! Naissa and Isaac made their rounds and ate cotton candy and did their share of bouncing in the bounce house. They also won those "common goldfish" as the coupon says. Oh Joy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Distraction is good.

It's nice to be distracted. I am so used to Zeke following me around and being by my side through out my day, just like Isaac....though it does hurt a little less today. Harley, Zeke's mom has been hanging out with me. I woke up this morning with a cat on my feet and for a second forgot Zeke was gone. It was Harley. Shandee has been hanging a little closer too. I wonder if they know. I wonder if they are able to understand that he is gone forever. Or if they just see it as an opportunity to get more attention, or a better spot on the bed, or a chance to lick the last of the milk in the cereal bowl. It doesn't matter really...I'm glad for the attention they are giving me.

The kids are doing better today. I think it was good to be able to just cry and let them cry. They drew pictures, wrote about it and prayed about it too. Harley is here with me now. Sweet girl.

Last night we went to my parent's house to Trick or Treat at their house. They have 10 doors around their house and game room and they set up each door with candy. It gives the kids another place to wear their costumes...or try them out to see what is missing etc...
We had pizza and our friend Winnie brought over her grandson Stone, who came as the HULK! The kids had fun. A nice distraction.

So tomorrow the kindergartners are going trick or treating at the district office. Naissa is going to be either Tinkerbell or Jane from Tarzan...because those are the costumes we have that I don't have to think about. The 1st through 6th graders get to dress up according to their class theme. Zack came home TODAY and told us what the theme was/is......are you ready for this....The fourth graders are supposed to dress an orange or black shirt. Yes, you read that right! An Orange or Black Shirt!! They are not allowed to wear their Halloween costumes that most parents paid a small fortune for, to school. They can only dress up in the "Theme"! I have but one word.........LAME!!But I'm beginning to get the hang of this school. I'm sure it wouldn't be so bad if we didn't come from other Clovis Schools that aren't so...LAME!!!

I still don't know what all my kids are going to wear tomorrow night. I think we are going to go to our church.....though I really have no desire to go there.

I am in one of those FUNKS, the kind where you don't want to do anything, go anywhere, see anyone, showers make you weary, you eat and feed your kids only already made/instant types of foods, having to do anything at all causes you stress...I am overwhelmed with the STUFF in our house. I've been getting rid of stuff just about everyday for the last 2 months. You'd think our house would be empty by now....but no, the kids keep un-boxing what I box up and I feel like I am giving the same stuff away all the time. (Except we've had 2 big yard sales in the last 2 I know we are getting rid of stuff) I haven't been shopping in months...not even yard sales! Well, I've been to Costco twice in the last 3 months for food, TP, batteries and baby wipes. No fun stuff! And I went to Target yesterday for more non-fun items! So that doesn't really count as SHOPPING!

Well, I think I've put myself to sleep with this overly exciting blog, so I'm going to bed.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

ZEKE 7/13/06 -- 10/28/07

Zeke our beloved cat, was hit by a car this evening. Jim was driving home and saw it happen. He pulled Zeke out of the street and into our yard. Jim yelled, "Kristi!!!" from outside and I thought maybe he had dumped food and needed help, I opened the door and he was hunched over on the lawn. Jim said something about being hit and I looked up and his car still had the lights on and everything....I couldn't process...I asked, "WHAT?!?!" at the same time Jim said Zeke has been hit by a car....I looked back at Jim and saw the orange fur of my beloved cat...his body barely moving...I asked..."WHAT DO WE DO?" Jim didn't know...I ran and got the phone and called my mom...."I need an emergency vet...Zeke's been hit by a car!!" After a minute on the phone...Jim came in and said that Zeke was gone. Zeke died with Jim. We all broke down...hysterical...falling to the ground crying...weeping...sobbing...Don't let him die God!...Why God? Why Zeke? To everyone else he's just a cat...but to us...he's family!

Zeke was originally named Goliath, because he was bigger than his brothers. We were there when he was born in the middle of the night, in our closet. He also had different markings than his sibs, who looked like their mom Harley. I knew right away that I would be keeping him.

Whenever anyone brought home Starbucks, Zeke was there! He even liked my sweetened black iced tea...not that he really drank it but he liked to lick the straw. He also liked to lick the cat tape know the ones you use to get cat hair OFF of your clothes and such...yes, he liked to lick and chew on those!

He slept in my bed, at my feet, curled up at my side, on my fact when I came down with pneumonia, I had woke up and thought Zeke was laying on my chest as usual...but he wasn't...I had pneumonia and couldn't breathe.

From the time he was a kitten, Zeke liked to be ON the computer...I'd turn on my laptop and Zeke would come lay on it...stretching himself out pushing keys and leaving his orange hair all over them. Most the time Zeke would curl up between me and the computer and just sleep........he should be here now!!!

The kids loved Zeke. I always thought of Zeke as Isaac's know, like a boy and his dog (CAT)...Before Isaac could say Zeke, he called him "geek". good times. Zeke was the type of cat to let you carry him around and lay on him and pet him backwards. Zeke would walk in the room and I would say Hey Zeke and he would Meow, I would talk to him and he would respond...not that I knew what he was meowing but it was communication and I miss it terribly.

Zeke liked to chase the neighbors dog...a dog at least twice his size. Whenever Zeke was out front and the neighbors would be walking their dog, Zeke would chase him away from our yard! No Dog Poop on our lawn!! good cat! Jim would joke with the neighbors about how he put Zeke in the house, it's safe for your dog now...etc.... too funny!

I am going to miss this cat something awful. I've had many many cats in my life but I've not been attached to one such as Zeke! He was always some where cute...sleeping in a drawer or a sink, on the very top box or on my pillow. Just today he was stretched out in the boy's closet, across their clothes and shoes...content as could be. I wanted to take a picture but got distracted...

Zeke...sleeping in the dryer! Don't you just wanna snatch him up and cuddle him?
Zeke. July 13th, 2006 - October 28th, 2007
He was only 15 months old. Zeke dug his way into our hearts and has been such a part of our every day lives, he is irreplaceable...I can't believe he's gone. My heart hurts so much. The tears keep streaming down my face, my nose is raw and my eyes are swollen, my head is throbbing and my Zeke is gone. This is new...even for me, a cat lover...I can't not even fathom losing a child. I haven't cried this much except for my grandma Ruth. You would think we'd all be dehydrated with all the tears.
I'm not so sure I like living on the corner anymore. I'm thinking we need a fence around our front yard. It wouldn't of kept a cat in but a kid maybe...
What is disturbing to me is that I recently heard some preacher on the radio talking about how animals don't have souls and therefore do not go to Heaven when they die. If that is true then we will not get to see Zeke again and the pain multiplies.... Ashes to ashes and dust to dust...
It's not that there won't be animals in Heaven, the Bible says there will be, but not our pets. SO WHAT'S THE POINT???
I'd much rather believe that the God who loves his creation and who dresses the lilies finer than King Solomon and cares for the littlest sparrow would also care for Zeke and that Zeke would be with Jesus right now running across the golden streets of Heaven.
At least I cry less when I believe that.

I should be asleep but he's snoring!

I'm sitting here watching Soul Train, it's 2:45am I should be asleep...but I'm not! Jim is snoring! If I don't fall asleep before he starts in...I may never fall asleep that night! That's one reason I sleep with the TV on most drowns out the sound of the Buzz Saw! (love you Jimmy!)
The other reason I'm still up is that Zack went with my mom to Concord today, to see Leesha perform in a band show. He got to help push the pit equipment onto the field! Before the band show they went and visited Pete and Jeanne, who are now living in Berkeley in a care home. They got home around 1:30am...and I being the MOM...couldn't sleep until all my babes were safe at home! And somewhere between Zack getting home and tucking him into second wind kicked in!
So I ordered part of Leesha's birthday present online...hopefully it will get here like it says...BEFORE her birthday! I can't believe she is going to be 18! Man...I'm OLD!

Thursday we went to STORYLAND with Naissa's Kindergarten class. Jim and Isaac drove while I rode the bus with a herd of 5 year olds. I have to say though, that it was the quietest bus ride I've can ever remember being on. With the exception of getting on the freeway, and you can't blame them, their little bodies were slip 'n sliding across the seats as the bus tilted on it's way up the ramp....little squeals and giggles were heard....but as soon as the bus was back on all fours it was quiet again.
We saw a little play, rode the train and played on all the nursery rhymes! It went by quickly and we were back on the bus...quiet as little mice. The great thing was that as soon as we were back at the school it was time to go home for a three day weekend!

Of course we still had parent teacher conferences to go to but that meant that we were FREE on Friday! Zack ran in his last Cross Country meet of the season! I'm so proud of him. I personally don't understand the point of Cross Country but to each his own.

My mom got Isaac this BATMAN mask/cape thing from San Fransisco! He wears it low and it it reminds me of the executioners in the movies, you know the ones who wear the hoods and carry a big axe and cut the peoples heads off...Isaac put a blue sock on his duck's head and carried him around by the neck! Made me laugh!!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Naissa Loves Jesus

This was February 2006 :)

This blog is dedicated to my darling dramatic Jade!

Apparently my daughter Jade is feeling a bit left out...thinking I only write about her sister, "Pure Joy". So here are a few of her own embarrassing and "Whatever" pictures....just so she won't feel like I favor one child over the other! love you Jade!

When you want to know where Jade look for a book. She never goes anywhere with out one (or two). She loves Elsie Dinsmore. She has even pretended to have to "go" on many occasions so that she can read one of the books she has stashed in the bathroom!

This one is for the "embarrassing" category!

Crazy hair day at school...tin foil shapes and Zack's hair is light purple!

This is either right before or right after Jade has rolled her eyes at me or her dad! WHATEVER!!
Jade wearing mom's clothes from like 1990! (yes, I used to fit in those clothes!)
And of Jade's messes! This is only one angle...I couldn't get in the room to take it from the other side and get the worst part of it in the picture!


This is for you Jimmy! Sorry to hear your stupid Yankee owners are being such BUTTS!

RED Dishes

So a little while back, Jim's mom said she wanted to give us her RED dishes, because we wanted to have a RED kitchen. We laughed as she said she had two sets of creamers....but it must not of sank in....Jim brought the boxes in the house and one by one we unwrapped the plates and bowls and seemed like we were unwrapping forever! LOL! I was surprised when I saw all the dishes together! There are 12 place settings...3 really big bowls and another really big deep bowl as well as a big platter, dinner plates, salad plates, small bowls, smaller bowls and even smaller bowls on a plate like thing, 2 sets of creamers and mugs!! We can feed 12!! As you can tell, I have no idea what these dishes are officially called or used for.....and after seeing them all I never thought we'd use them all unless we had a small party, but we have and it's been great! I know it may seem a small insignificant thing to most but we've been eating on mismatched Tupperware and IKEA kid plates for so long....they all have knife marks and melted parts! You never knew if your "instant" burrito was going to come out ready to eat or just melted into the plate! We use the RED dishes all the time now....this morning we had hot cereal...last night some kinda of pasta al la jim and when it was really cold yesterday morning we made hot chocolate and all of us got to use "Big People" mugs! So if you read this...Thank You Cathy for the RED dishes! :)

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Doll

Naissa just informed me as I uploaded this picture, "Last time I put her in the toilet".

My Sanger Grandma (yes, she lived in Sanger) one day had her head down and her whole body was shaking....worried that something might be wrong we all bombarded her with questions of "Are you okay?" and "What's wrong grandma?" only to have her gather her composure and reply, "That there is the ugliest doll I ever done seen!" and that's when we realized she was hard that her entire body had joined in!

This was a doll that my grandpa (yes, Sanger Grandpa) had found one day in the street. My grandpa died in 1977 and this doll was STILL in the Barbie case with all the other glamorous dolls some 22 years later! Why did we keep her? It sure wasn't for her looks. But every Sunday for years and years she would get dressed up in home-made clothes my grandma had made, (though they didn't fit her very well, probably because she was "Big Boned") we would play with her alongside of Midge, Farrah Faucet (sp?), Marie Osmund, the Charlie's Angels, Old School Ken (who was huge and only had an army hat and a green corduroy homemade coat, made for Barbie), and the Sunshine Family.

Years and years of memories of dressing Barbies with Aunt Hope and Grandma. That's probably the REAL reason this doll was around for so long. Memories. We remembered that it was my grandpa who found the street...and since he was gone, we cherished the memory even more. When grandma died....that doll was the first thing I thought of when asked what I wanted!

Last year my husband Jim told me to just take a picture of her and let her go. So I did. This is her picture. But sometimes I'd really like to have that ugly doll back. Memories. Good Memories.

Memory Loss and Halloween

A couple of days ago I discovered that the memory on my computer was down to 3%! holy cow! That's about like my own personal memory! The only difference is that I know how to delete unwanted information and/or images from my computer but not my brain.

Let's take the 250-300 pictures taken last Summer of our cat Harley having her kittens and their first 8 weeks of life for example....
Do I really need 300 pictures of our beloved cat giving birth to bloody, blind, matted down little rats and eating the _____? Blech! I don't even want to type it! So that would be an easy NO!
Do I really need pictures to remind me of the mess that was made all over our closet, carpet and walls?
In fact, I don't even need a picture for me to replay in my head, poor Harley crying out (have you ever hear a cat scream?) as she birthed the 5 kittens. It is forever etched into my memory.
(So if I forget your birthday or something you shared with is because my brain is filled to the max with useless information like cat screams and afterbirth)

OR there are the numerous pictures taken at zoo's, fair's, aquariums and petting farms....hundreds of sheep, cows eating hay, blurry birds, horse butts, jellyfish (with fingerprints on the glass tank) and penguins (to name a few)
ALL DELETED!!! Of course now, I'm sure one of my kids will need these pictures for some stupid school report or something and I'll have to find somebody else's pictures of sheep, cows eating hay and horse butts!

I did have fun looking through all the pictures from the last 3 years. WOW! Fun times. Crazy times. Sad times. GOOD TIMES.
Seeing how it's October and I have yet to decorate for Halloween, even though the boxes are in front of the fireplace, I figured I would decorate today's blog.....

ZooBoo - Naissa as a leopard nurse (can't see him but Isaac is a sleeping pumpkin)

Jade as cat, Fireman Zack and Naissa as a Leopard

ZooBoo - Jade, Leesha, Lindsay as Dee and Lisa as Dum

Pumpkin Patch

I think this was two years ago...Isaac as a frog, Naissa as an elephant, Zack in his Tae Kwon Do uniform, Jade and Leesha all dolled up!

Leesha and Carson ('s a really great teenage boy in a bunny costume) He even left candy all over the front lawn for Leesha! lol!

Naissa as Princess Tiger Lily and Isaac as SUPERMAN!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's 10 o'clock do you know you're child's not asleep?

So, a couple nights ago when the kids had been in bed for almost 2 hours, I went in to turn the lights out. This is how I found Naissa...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

gotta get out of the house

never ending laundry

bottomless sink of dishes

empty refrigerator

half done projects

dust an inch thick (ok, I might be exaggerating a little)

too much stuff too little space

tired of picking up the same things

day in and day out

so tonight...I took my youngest son to Fresno State to watch the marching bands from around the valley compete

we shared nachos and some skittles

watched big sister play in the pit at BHS

watched uncle eric's new drumline at CEHS

enjoyed Fresno State's band the most

crowd cheering...more like screaming, clapping and dancing

great show

Isaac calls them the "clapping band"

left before awards


great time with my son

we may have another little drummer


Thursday, October 11, 2007

I hate math!

I never liked math. I liked it even less when I was in college. My brain is wired differently. Don't ask how many times it took me to pass Algebra 2! It's not like I can't add or figure out the sales tax or anything but a lot of the math I "HAD" to learn in school, I've never used! (kinda like most of school) Everybody knows....if you don't use it, you lose it! So I am now being tortured by my 7th grade daughter's pre-algebra! It makes her cry. It makes me want to cry. My almost 18 year old daughter just got an A in Calculus...I'm not even sure how to spell it, more or less do any of it! I should pay her to help Jade. Sometimes sisters aren't the best tutors, but they are doing better than they ever

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Soaring and Buzzing

Yesterday we were driving out to my parents house when Jade said, "Mom look at the Hawks!" I expected to see one or two hawks soaring high above the field, not too close to really see them. BUT instead I was surprised, as we turned the corner and I looked out the window there in the sky were probably 25-30 hawks soaring together. They looked like vultures when there has been a kill...swarming the skies...waiting to devour their latest meal. But these weren't vultures, these were Hawks and they weren't after anything that we could figure, they were just flying circles and soaring as they slowly moved across the sky. It was amazing! I wish I had a camera that could have captured even a glimpse of the spectacular sight!

This evening we experienced yet another mass of flying creatures...that had all landed on the ceiling in our family room. Though they were not magnificent hawks...they were annoying little flies! We tried swatting at them but the ceiling was too high. So Jim taped the hose of his vacuum to the broom and stretched it up to the ceiling to try to suck up the nasty boogers. It worked some, but mostly the stinkin' flies saw him coming and flew 2 feet away just out of his reach. Some were easily trapped and killed in the bathroom and a few were daring enough to follow us into the bedroom...yes...they are now DEAD! Those that remain will never get out alive! I don't know why they have to buzz in my ears...if they would just land somewhere away from me I might grant them a second chance BUT NO, the annoying bugs keep flying and buzzing in my face!

I am reminded of that little poem about Noah....

"If Noah had been truly wise
He would have swatted those two flies!"

Monday, October 8, 2007

Women of Faith

I went to the Women of Faith Conference in San Jose with my mom this last weekend. It was a much needed time away for me. I have been so stressed the past couple of months with all the changes our family has gone through. I was looking forward to a nice relaxing time away with my mom and 14,000 other women. We stayed in a hotel not too far from the Arena. It had free breakfast which made up for the $30 we paid for parking at the Arena.
We went hiking….up the gazillion stairs to the top where our seats were (because we waited so long to get our tickets). We were so high up, that even though I’m not really afraid of heights, my body still thought it was nauseating to lean forward as I put my water down on the floor. As I stood back up I became anxiously aware of the fact that too much weight leaning the wrong way…and I could end up in the front row on some poor lady’s lap!
I chose to worship sitting down, mostly.

Because my mom and I have been going to these conferences for several years now, I look forward to each of the speakers sharing their latest stories and messages as if we were old friends sitting around a kitchen table drinking hot chocolate, laughing and crying and sharing things that matter. These women are very dear to my heart. Each one always touches something deep inside of me, as they share of themselves and their life experiences. Pasty shares about her agoraphobia and I can relate. She understands the fear and how it steals the joy right out from under you. She knows that when you’re afraid, you don’t know what you enjoy because you can’t think past your fear. She understands that you miss out on things, because you are afraid. But she has lived through it and made it and she knows that just outside your fear is LIBERTY! Patsy encouraged us to “LIVE LIVELY”.
Nicole is a wonderful dramatist. She opened up by telling us how, “Men look at what’s in the fridge and go to bed. Women look at what’s in the bed and go to the fridge”! Too funny! Nicole shared her insights about Mary and Martha. One of the things that caught my attention was when she said that you can be so busy comparing and controlling, you might not recognize the best when it’s sitting in front of your face. For me, this plays right in to the fear that Patsy talked about. Nicole does 3 different dramatizations through-out the conference. She also talked about cutting and later about Judas’ kiss and betrayal. They are always really good and make you think beyond the surface.

Sheila’s son Christian and my daughter Jade are about the same age so it has been fun to hear the stories of him growing up. She has such passion for the Lord and for all of us women. Sheila sang “Somewhere over the Rainbow” and it was incredible. And she sang it incredibly with laryngitis. She then talked about how God has a dream for your life. God’s dream is so much more different than the American dream. God’s dream is that we would be FREE! Freedom is not the absence of bars, it’s the presence of Christ. Freedom is inside and it’s not dependent on our circumstances. Gee, nothing for me to learn from her! lol!

Anita Renfroe was there again and hilarious as ever. She performed her recent song, “Total Momsense” as well as “You Lift Me Up” and “Don’t Breathe” Extremely Funny! She shared the message that it is OK to play in His (God’s) presence. She reminded me that Joy will return…just like it says in the Bible…Joy comes in the morning.

Carol Kent was new to me. Her son is currently serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole, for the murder of his wife’s ex. Not an easy thing to accept…that your only child will never be able to come home for Christmas or go to a football game or the beach or the movies or church with you…ever! But there is proof that God does not abandon us and that He can use anyone…anywhere. Her son is now sharing Christ with others in the prison. Goes back to what Sheila said about Freedom not being the absence of bars, but the presence of Christ.

Sandi Patty sang several of the old hymns but all spiced up with her incredible voice! WOW! She has a powerful voice! A Mighty Fortress is Our God and How Great Thou Art! Amazing! One of the things I took away from her was…”When you get yourself in a bind and you’re gonna fall one way or another…if you fall backwards away from God, you’re gonna get hurt. If you fall forward, He (God) will be there to catch you in His arms of grace.”

Marilyn talked about closure. She shared stories about her husband Ken, who passed away, and of her daughter who was born with spina bifida and died. Though I have not experienced those two things, what she shared hit a deep cord with me, as I have experienced other things that have generated similar feelings and longings. She spoke the words that I have whispered for so long...

I can’t do this
The pain is overwhelming
My emotions will devour me
I will suffocate
Back away
Close up
Act as though everything is fine, even though shattered inside
Become like the dead sea, no outlet, dead
Release some toxins through my tears

Patsy shared...If you want to fully experience GOD then you must fully experience life.

In order to heal it you must feel it

It’s like the old song, “Going on a Bear Hunt”
You can’t go over it
You can’t go under it
You can’t go around it
You gotta go THROUGH it

Psalm 23:4a
Even when I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil….
The word “through” suggests a beginning, a middle and an end.
So it won't last forever, right?

Nicole C. Mullen performed. Another great voice! I think I’ll have Jim download her song “Freedom” for me. She brought some kids (ages like 10-15) to dance on stage with her. One of them was her daughter and another was her nephew Andrew. Andrew was the Oscar Meyer Weiner kid several years ago. He got up there and sang the Oscar Meyer Weiner song for us! He also had an incredible voice!

Luci wrapped up the conference sharing funny stories and encouraging us to just “show up” and God will do the rest. I love Luci because she is so REAL, so genuine, so down to earth. She’s not afraid to tell you that she gets “sick of the whole bloomin’ world” or that someone ticked her off. She said her favorite two word prayer is “Change Them”. She is FREE to be who she is……I love that! Luci said that Freedom starts in your heart and mind and then manifests itself in how we live. So I guess I need to start thinking like I’m FREE….Think and it will become eh?

It’s Monday and I wish I was back with those women. Not avoiding reality but just taking a break from it. It amazes me how there was a message for me from each of the women that spoke or sang, even from the ones I didn’t think I’d get anything from. Now to apply those things learned to my life…to just show up and let God do His thing.

I'm sure I will think of more but for now I will end with my return home...It was just after 11pm, the kids were all sleeping on the floor in the front room with Gidget playing in the background. I talked with Jim for a little while and fell asleep. In the early hours of the morning I heard the sweet voice of my son Isaac..."I pee'd". "What?" I asked. "I pee'd" he said with such a sad voice. I thought, he's in a diaper...maybe he's leaking...why else would he wake up upset over pee if he was wearing an absorbent diaper? Well, leaking was an understatement! Apparently he had changed into his swimsuit and pee'd all over the sleeping mat. Zack was sleeping next to him and rolled over into a puddle of pee. So I woke Jim up to deal with that and I cuddled a cold little boy, who was coughing like a barking seal. Poor little guy! So poor he got to sleep in mom and dad's bed! As much as I need a break, it sure is great to be home with my husband and kids!

Monday, October 1, 2007


Tonight Zack informed us, "I wanna be a Kissing Booth this year for Halloween".
Jim says he's just like his Uncle Richie!

Emergency haircuts and powdered sugar

A couple days ago Naissa and Isaac took it upon themselves to give Isaac a one sided mullet! Since we were basically home for the weekend I put off taking him to get it fixed until today. Zack also needed a hair cut so he could go to school. (Last week he was warned that he needed to cut his hair because it was covering his ears and touching his collar!) So I sent my husband and two boys to get their hair cut, with instructions NOT to touch the bangs or the curls in the back. When they got home, Isaac looked worse! They cut one side up and around his ear but didn't cut the other side the same! And the curls in the back were cut as well...unevenly! Zack's hair didn't look much better either. It was cut a bit shorter but there are still several hairs that cover his ears and hang in his eyes. I could just scream! It's like when you go through the drive thru and order your food, only to get all the way home and find you're missing food and the food you got is wrong! Do you drive all the way back and demand they fix it?

We chose to call in a family friend for an emergency haircut! Sonna recently had major surgery but didn't hesitate in telling us to come on over right then and there! So my husband jumped back into the car and drove Isaac to her house! She immediately went straight to work, to correct my poor little boy's awful haircut! She did great! Especially with what she had to work with! lol! He lost his long hair but he has two years to let it grow before Clovis Unified gets him! He came home happy, saying he liked his hair, plus he got snacks! God Bless Sonna!
While we were fussing about the hair, Naissa helped herself to the powdered sugar! She came into the room with it on her face and dress but tried to convince us she didn't know what we were talking about. As we all went into the kitchen, holding our breath, she said, "Ok, Ok, I did it! I'm really sorry!" Thankfully most of the mess was right there on the table. The boys thought it was fun to play in. Here are a few pictures...(sorry about Isaac's finger...that's the finger he points with too!)

So can you tell he got his hair cut off? Oh, and that's a bruise under his eye from the swing, not dirt! :)