Thursday, June 26, 2008

Richie and Isaac Playing Some Football

Richie and Isaac Slidin'

Rissa and Naissa Slidin'

Why is it that everyday is "One of Those Days"??

Ever have "one of those days" ??? I have them nearly everyday. Today's solution was to zip tie the two fighters together and make them clean the bathroom together. Though I don't recommend this method, it got their attention. The bathroom is now somewhat cleaner too.
We have two bunnies that live with us, Gunpowder and Lead. We are bunny sitting for my mom while she is in Germany for 2 weeks. Actually Chloe is my mom's and Lily is mine but she has lived at my mom's since we were in the apartment. So we cleaned all the cages and let my 3 run around the yard. Harley and Josiah just followed them around, probably wondering why these foreign critters were hopping in their territory. To make my long dramatic story short I will just tell you that we thought we had 4 girl bunnies but we were wrong. Gunpowder is NOT a girl! So again, to shorten my traumatic story (traumatic for us humans) we may have more bunnies in a month. Thankfully though Lead is a dwarf breed and they don't birth as many as the larger breeds and Lily may be too old to get pregnant. Needless to say all four bunnies have their own cages now and everyone but Chloe is lying there looking exhausted!!
Lead (and Gunpowder to the side)
GunpowderLily (aka Fat Lil) seemed to be in Heaven as she ran, hopped, bounced and dug all around the backyard. She is a Holland Lop and only suppose to weigh about 4-5lbs. She eats like a pig and hasn't gotten much exercise in a couple of years.

Harley and Lily

Chloe is my mom's bunny, she is a Netherland dwarf

Harley and Josiah

Harley's Gift (and kids in the pool)

Harley likes to bring us gifts. Her latest was a little bird. I hate to hurt her feelings but I am not going to put a dead bird up on the nick nack shelf, even if she brought in the whole bird this time.
Harley, brought the bird into the hallway and proudly set it down so that I could scream. Then she took a few steps back and laid down with a smile on her face. Proud of her bird gift.
It's been a year, maybe two, since my parents had their pool up and running. This year Leesha and some of her friends scrubbed it clean and my dad got the chemicals, filters, motors and whatever it is that is needed to get the pool going. Before it was filled all the way the kids went swimming. It was great because the water was low enough that they could stand up and the water was below their necks. They had a blast! Too bad they had to fill it up in order for the filters and such to work right. It built up their confidence and hopefully calmed some of their fears of pools bigger than the bath tub. What am I talking about??!!?? Isaac was jumping off the ladder and pulling on Jim's shorts and having a great time. Naissa still wanted to wear the swim vest and was more it is her that I said those previous things about.

What's a blog without a picture of Isaac playing baseball?
It's his favorite thing to do in the world.

I'm back and so are the messes

I haven't blogged for a while. Unfortunately it's not because I lack material to write about. My kids continue to give me great stories, gray hair and a lot of stress on a daily basis. Take this first picture for example....Sprite, High School Musical Bubble Bath, Water, Paper Plates, Markers, Cars and a Brand New Art Kit. Now, I believe in creative art and free style drawing and painting but there is a line. I cannot count how many of these art sets we've gone through. I won't buy them anymore, not even off the 75% off clearance shelf. Most kids I know like to use paper so that mom or grandma can hang their beautiful masterpieces on the refrigerator but not mine. They know I am going crazy with all the clutter around so they just paint the table and the chairs and the floor and the walls and the mail and the dishes and anything else nearby knowing that I will get my camera out and savor their masterpieces that way....thereby reducing the paper clutter on my fridge. Thanks kids for thinking of me.
Two weekends ago we took our first camping trip with the recently acquired pop up tent trailer. Jade stayed with my parents so that she could take a Babysitting CPR class. We also sent over Gunpowder and Lead (Bunnies) as well as Crush (the turtle) so that they wouldn't have to drive to our house to feed them. (Saving them lots of money in gas!) We figured the cats would be okay if we left them with plenty of food and water. They go in and out as they please and would have those big ugly moth looking bugs for entertainment. When we got home Harley was there to greet us. She followed me into the bedroom where I sat on the bed and talked to her for a couple of seconds, which then brought Minnie Pearl out from under the bed. A walk into the garage brought Josiah out of his sleeping spot but Grizabella had not shown her beautiful gray face yet. So we started unloading all our junk from the trip. About an hour after being home I listened to the phone messages and there was one from a man who said he needed to talk to an adult (probably because it's our kids voices on the message) and then he said, "It's about Grizabella" and he left his number. I checked to see when he had called and it said 9am on Saturday. Crap! It was now late Sunday night. The messages kept playing and then there was one from the animal shelter. They asked us to call them about Grizabella but didn't tell us why. Though I already knew deep down why, I wasn't ready to believe it just yet. So I made Jim call the man. He said he found her on the side of the road, and described the street right where our house is, she'd been hit. When we didn't respond (because we weren't home) he called the animal shelter who came and picked her sweet little body up. They called Monday morning and said they had her collar if we wanted it and asked if we wanted them to take care of her body. I said yes. All our cats who have died in the past 12 years have been buried out at my parents property. But I really didn't want to go pick up a dead cat so that I could take her out to my parents and spend a couple hours trying to dig a hole in their hard dirt, so I let them take care of her. Weird. What sucks is that I just bought her a new scratching post/bed because the kids broke the other one by sitting and climbing on it. Out of the four cats, she is the one who was always found sleeping in it. It was like she told the other cats that it was hers and they'd better not even think of getting in it. And they didn't. I finally thought to vacuum clean it to get her scent out of it and now the other three have all been seen in it. Whew!
This is just how my life mess after another. It's not like we don't have any paper in the house. They just prefer furniture. They also prefer instant gratification, as many kids do...adults too. Countless times I have said, "Give me a minute to finish this and I will get you some paper and set you up to color/paint/play with play-doh/whatever" but 2-3 minutes is just way too long for them. And Lord forbid if they have to clean up their previous mess first! So what seems to happen several times a week is that I will finish switching the laundry or paying a bill or watering a plant or whatever and I will go to get out the supplies only to find that they are already out and spilled all over or little hands have spread them around the house, causing my patience to boil and me to yell WHY?!?! I then get some answer that sounds like, "because I wanted to." I tell them to start cleaning it up but they don't and I end up cleaning them and the mess up and they win! They defeated mom once again. UGH!!! I have to admit that after the initial shock my reaction is usually laughter but not in front of them, I wouldn't want them to think I thought it was okay to do it again. :P

I guess Naissa didn't want to be left out so she made her own frozen concoction of water and bananans. Maybe I should check the freezer for all my missing dishes.

My doll

As I was cleaning out some boxes, I ran across a box of stuffed animals. Seeing that I have no where to display them and my kids have enough of their own, I decided to take a picture of them and let them go. Except for this doll. My grandma Audie made me this doll when I was little. She's probably over 30 years old. They just don't make 'em like this anymore. I'm not even sure why they made them like this? I used to have a similar doll that was Little Red Riding Hood. On one side she was Little Red and when you flipped her over she was the Grandmother and the Wolf. There was a bonnet that you flipped back and forth to switch the character. Way cool. Now I just need to find a safe place for her so my kids don't rip her to shreds.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

BHS c/o 08

I loved the flowers we gave Leesha, I almost kept them for myself!
The gates of the stadium opened at 6:00pm. Graduation began at 7:30pm.I probably don't even have to tell you that Jim fell asleep and Naissa and Isaac got restless. I actually brought the little movie player and until the crowd got too loud and they couldn't hear it, Naissa and Isaac watched "Hairspray". It was windy which made it somewhat cold. The sun was descending beyond the trees but still illuminating the field which made the decision whether to wear sunglasses or not a difficult one. The stands filled quickly, the chairs on the field not as quickly.
When it was finally time to begin the mass of red, white and blue robes poured down out of the stands across the way. Finding a short blonde didn't take too long, thanks to the extra cords on her robe. As the students marched in, the band played the song from Star Wars IV. The ceremony march where Luke, Han and Chewie get medals for (temporarily) defeating the empire. I don't think I've heard it played at graduation before, it was very cool. I kept waiting to hear Chewbacca's cry or R2-D2's little beeps and chirps but I didn't. Instead I watched as my beautiful Leesha walked in high heels down the aisle to take her place with the rest of her class.
White gown, long blonde hair in the second row!
It wouldn't be Clovis without FIREWORKS!!
Nice smile Isaac!
Kristi c/o 88 and Leesha c/o 08
Proud Mama
Sharon (c/o 68), Ron and Leesha
Leesha and Janine
That was the best we got, Isaac was blurry in most of the pictures because he'd been sitting for so long! He was doing flips and rolls to entertain those parents and grandparents who had been abandoned by their new graduates to go take pictures with their friends.

She's done. At least until August when she starts at Fresno State!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Kindergarten Celebration

It's now a celebration, not a graduation or even a promotion. Yet pre-schoolers still "graduate". Whatever! Naissa of course was sitting in the back and you can't see her in any of the pictures I took but this one. Far back left. :)
The teachers put together a book with special artwork and writing that each kid did during the year. They also got a certificate which Naissa immediately pawned off on me.
Naissa and Leah enjoyed looking at their books.
(Can you see where Naissa tried to give herself bangs?)
Silly moms with their soon to be first graders!
Isaac = always in the air

Gunpowder and Lead

I know which ones are corn....the rest might have to be a surprise! (Thanks Isaac!)
We adopted two bunnies about 2 weeks ago. I have no idea if they are male or female....I haven't looked yet. I have no idea how old they are....not too far from rabbit stew age is all I know. Thanks Shirley for letting us have these two little furballs!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Whoever said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, never beheld this!

"Well Mom, I had to use lots of glue cuz it wouldn't stay on the wall!"

"Flowers" by Naissa
(glued to the table, not the wall)
Just because it was cute and Jade took the picture
More of Naissa's "Artwork"
(I'll be more than happy to let her come to YOUR house and play with the nail polish!)

More Awards

Once again it was time for awards and Zack brought home a few. The one he seemed most proud of was his reading medallion. He also received Principals Honor Roll and a Healthy Fitness Award.
Later (literally about 4 1/2 hours later) Zack had another awards ceremony, this time for his Block T. Thanks to Jim having his own business he was able to go see Zack get all his awards. We are very proud of Zack!
After the Block T awards were given out there was cookies and punch.
I treasure those still quiet moments that seem to come less often now days.

As it is with everything...the quiet stillness didn't last! In fact it escalated rather quickly from calmly drinking some punch to hiding behind a tree to peeing and running away from dad! I wonder if Trace Adkins was singing about these moments when he sang his latest hit, "You're Gonna Miss This" ?? Or Kenny Chesney and his song, "Don't Blink" ?? Yes, it's true we usually laugh at these things after a while but when they are a constant thing, the funny just gets old. But I love them!!

Did Timmy fall into the well again?

I was just dreaming of a race - I wasn't in it but I was there with my camera and there were teams wearing shirts/uniforms that matched their cars. Not just like blue shirts and blue cars but like 8 people dressed in Incredible shirts and their cars were all crazy shaped but matched their shirts. Other things were happening, too odd to try to explain, you know how dreams can be?!

I was brought to consciousness by a sort of moaning/growling noise. I wasn't sure where it was coming from. Our windows were all open so maybe it was outside, of course I could still be dreaming...but I kept hearing it. The more I woke up the more I was able to recognize the sound.

A cat. It was like a low guttural growl. Not a sound you would hear in fear or in a fight but one you might hear if they were hurt or hording a mouse, bird or other fine treasure. I jumped up, afraid of the worst (my stomach & head would have to catch up with me later). The sound seemed like it was coming from outside my bedroom window. Crap! Please don't let one of my cats be dying out there! The cars go so stinkin' fast. Already lost Zeke. I looked out the window but saw nothing - so I headed for the front door....but as I'm walking I hear the sound again and then Grizabella appears from the other end of the hallway and she's got something in her mouth! Oh please don't let it be a live catch! She walks to me and lays her catch at my feet and as my eyes focus, I realize (to my relief) that it's not a poor mouse, moth, bird or even something from our neighbors trash but instead it is a cat collar.

Dread hits as I pick it up. I know whose it is before reading the tag. Please NO! Without a second thought I'm out the door on the front lawn wearing a blue night gown, watching the cars go by, looking for a lump of fur - Thank God I don't see one. Grizabella is still by my side, it's almost like she's guiding me - Hey! Haven't I seen this on TV before? The name Lassie comes to mind.....Grizz walks a step.....comes back and rubs against my legs.....walks a couple steps.....rubs my legs......steps.....rubs.....steps......rubs. Does this really happen? Could she be trying to tell me something? Does she know where Josiah is? Is Josiah in the well?

I follow her back into the house and to the back door/sliding door. Dread again. The thoughts of finding my cat injured or dead are beginning to choke me. My body is tense and heating up, heart is pounding faster, what happened to all the air? I call out, "Josiah, here kitty kitty" but get nothing. I scan the yard - dang, I wish we'd mowed! There's movement near the swing set. Could it be? I think so but why is he acting funny? Grizz is standing with me, quiet and still. I call again, "Josiah!" His head turned towards me - a small wave of relief but he's still acting funny. Is he all right? Is he hurt? Can he walk? I have to get closer, the stupid "grass" hurts my bare feet but I have to know.....I get closer.....Josiah pounces on something. Relief floods my body. He's okay! He was stalking a bug. I kneel down as to not disturb his game but he gives up the bug and runs to me. I scoop him up and slip his collar back on, givin' him some love. Then we all went back in the house.

Thanks Grizzabella. I'm not sure what your motive was - helping or tattling - but I'm so glad you're all safe!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

That is the Question

"Y"? That is what I want to know!
I was out watering the plants and flowers
when I looked down in the grass
and there it was, the letter "Y
and I thought to myself hmmm....
yes, "Y" is there a "Y" in the middle of the lawn? "Y"?

"Y"? This is the screen on my laptop! The daisies are my screensaver. The scribbling across NOT!! It is crayon!! I'm thinking that we might be entitled to some type of royalties from Crayola and Sharpie because everything I own advertises their products all over them!!
"Y"?? Zack has tried freezing many things over the years, I can't even count how many times I've pulled out odd - frozen objects. Frozen drinks of all sorts, koosh balls in bowl, superheros and ninja turtles, toothpicks and popsicle sticks all in cups and bowls of water turned to ice. One of my favorites was the rubber gloves filled with water, forming a nice frozen ice hand. All sorts of things. Isaac watched Zack like a HAWK. Isaac came in with this bowl and a big smile on his face. He was so excited that he had made "frozen waffles"! He said, "Look mom, I freezed a waffle!" A piece of waffle in a bowl of ice cubes! lol! I couldn't help but praise him for his effort! One of these days I'll explain to him that eggo waffles are already frozen in the box! "Y"?? "Y" is there a shoestring missing out of Jim's shoes?"Y" is it no where to be found? Makes it hard to wear 'em!
"Y"?? "Y" was this bowl with a soggy waffle smothered in cinnamon found in the boy's room? "Y"?? That's a lot of cinnamon! I don't think the ants were even interested! And what is it with waffles in this house??