Ever have "one of those days" ??? I have them nearly everyday. Today's solution was to zip tie the two fighters together and make them clean the bathroom together. Though I don't recommend this method, it got their attention. The bathroom is now somewhat cleaner too.
We have two bunnies that live with us, Gunpowder and Lead. We are bunny sitting for my mom while she is in Germany for 2 weeks. Actually Chloe is my mom's and Lily is mine but she has lived at my mom's since we were in the apartment. So we cleaned all the cages and let my 3 run around the yard. Harley and Josiah just followed them around, probably wondering why these foreign critters were hopping in their territory. To make my long dramatic story short I will just tell you that we thought we had 4 girl bunnies but we were wrong. Gunpowder is NOT a girl! So again, to shorten my traumatic story (traumatic for us humans) we may have more bunnies in a month. Thankfully though Lead is a dwarf breed and they don't birth as many as the larger breeds and Lily may be too old to get pregnant. Needless to say all four bunnies have their own cages now and everyone but Chloe is lying there looking exhausted!!
Lead (and Gunpowder to the side)
Harley and Josiah
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