What is it about walls and furniture that attracts little hands with markers? That makes toothpaste want to explode and smear itself all over objects it has no business being on?
It seems to make perfect sense to the ones involved. Why shouldn't their name be written on their dresser drawer and their sibling's name on theirs?
I was reading the last few chapters in Job, which happen to be some of my favorite scripture. I just love how GOD's power and majesty and splendor are revealed in His creation. These verses just put me in awe everytime I read them. I love how the great and might animals are described and how there are storehouses for lightening. Because it was raining earlier I thought of these verses in Job 38:34-38
"Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain? Can you make lightening appear and cause it to strike as you direct it? Who gives intuition and instinct? Who is wise enough to count all the clouds? Who can tilt the water jars of heaven, turning the dry dust to clumps of mud?"
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