I got this new camera for Christmas. I don't like it much because it doesn't put the date on the pictures and I like to have the date on them....so I can look back and figure out when things happened and such. I do, however like the camera for other reasons. It has a larger screen than my old camera and it takes clearer pictures. It seems faster.
Anyway, we had some unexpected company and I stashed the camera away, "Somewhere Safe" so as not to be a temptation to all the kids. BUT then I forgot about it. AND then I couldn't remember where I "stashed" it. I looked for several days before I found it. Battery dead. Hmmm......I thought that was odd. So I put the battery in the charger and put the camera on my dresser and then probably went to clean something. When I came back to get my camera.....it was gone!!! I hollered! Where is my camera? Who touched my camera? Somebody better start talking!! After way too long I heard a little voice say, "I think I might know where it is." YOU THINK??? WHERE IS MY CAMERA??? I followed this child into my room waiting to find my camera damaged and disassembled and looking like C3P0 in The Return of the Jedi when Jabba's nasty little friend plucked out his optical sensors. The child took me to the side of my bed and pointed inside a box that was full of files. Filed away in one of the files, was my camera....lens cap off, flash up and covered in little dirty fingerprints. I grabbed it up, put the lens cap on, closed the flash and tried to wipe off the prints. We were on our way out the door so I just brought the camera with me assuming everything else was fine.
When we arrived at our destination I got my camera out to take a few pictures, but something wasn't right. The color was gone. The screen wasn't black and white...it was more.....gray and green. Again, I hollered, "Who messed with my camera?" The same child who led me to the camera, declared that it was her (oooh big surprise) anyway, this is a picture of that declaration.
that girl will be the death of us, but how can you be mad at that little face in the pisture it's priceless, ilove you, great kids even though they drive us nuts.
hi kristi,
great camera. im thinking i need to get one. the kodak easyshare i have doesn't stay charged and wont take reg. batteries. which one do you have? missed your blog. glad you are back:)
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