Okay, so I said I didn't know if I had it in me....to "socialize" this crazy cat that wouldn't come out from under the bed...BUT Minnie Pearl has gotten soooo much better! Josiah has helped by attacking and forcing her out from under the bed! lol! Now, if at any time of day or night, I come and get in or on the bed (and no one is running down the hall or into my room) Minnie will come out from under the bed and jump up for some lovin'. She purrs right away and walks right into my face if I'm lying down. She also likes to take my pen out of my hand and bite my fingers (of course I am usually taunting her with them). So this is a picture of Josiah and Minnie sleeping on my bed, not a great picture....oh well! We got Naissa and Isaac an Easel for Christmas. One side has a magnetic wipe off board and the other side is a chalk board. The directions said to rub the side of a piece of chalk all over it one direction and then the other and wipe with a slightly damp cloth. I guess that's what gets it ready for kid's chalk drawings? So of course, our son Zachary went and wrote his name (in cursive) across the chalk board WITH CRAYON!! Now I haven't tried scratching it off with my fingernails yet but it wasn't coming off with a "slightly damp cloth". Isaac (of course) copied big brother and made his own marks after Zack did.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
A story or two....or four
Posted by z007mom at 10:34 PM 3 comments
Friday, December 28, 2007
Overnight in Berkeley
The kids and I just drove to Berkeley, along with my parents. We stayed in the Embassy Suites, very nice!! Everybody got to sleep in a bed or a couch bed. The kids love to look at the big fish in the center of the hotel. We went to visit Uncle Pete and Aunt Jeanne. They are actually Great Great's to my kids. This past Summer they moved from their home in Sacramento to a Care Home in Berkeley. Their son and his family live in Berkeley, so they are now conveniently close to them. The sad part for us is that we've been celebrating Christmas in their home in Sacramento for many many years, probably 33 -35 of my 37 years (We went to Aunt Lou's a couple of times when I was real little) My kids have gone every year of their lives. My mom has been going for over 50 years. Crazy! I think I actually grieved some this season....for the loss of that "tradition". Uncle Pete will be 98 in February, Aunt Jeanne will be 86 or 87.....I think....I always confuse her year with another aunt. We had lunch with the whole Berkeley bunch. My cousin Stacey, her son Antoine and daughter Dechen, her dad Bill and his wife Vicki, Pete and Jeanne, my parents, my 5 kids and me! We went to this cool food court/market place that had every kind of food you could imagine.....and my youngest 2 wanted corn dogs!!! We let the kids run around for a while as we tried to get in a little conversation, took a couple of pictures and everyone headed back to their "worlds". Actually we had to drive a few hours before getting back to our "world". My dad drove my car because I kept dozing off and I really wanted to make it home. :)
Posted by z007mom at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Eve in the Emergency Room
Isaac on Christmas morning, wearing his Jack Sparrow costume....stitches explained in story that follows....On Christmas Eve we went to my parent's house. After opening presents of glutton proportions we just hung out letting the kids play and eating too many Christmas cookies. My brother was there with his dog Toby. He got Toby right after Naissa was born, he is the only dog that my kids have not been afraid of. Toby got several doggie treats for Christmas, one being one of those rawhide dog bones that dogs like to chew on for hours. Zack was playing with Toby, throwing that bone and having Toby "fetch" it. He put it down and Isaac picked it up and threw it but instead of "fetching" it, Toby bit Isaac. This is the way Zack said it happened. No one else really saw what happened. Jim was asleep on the couch next to me, where I was blowing my nose for the ump-teenth time thanks to my Christmas cold. I heard Toby growl, which I've probably only heard a couple of times in 5 years. I looked up to see Toby in Isaac's face and Isaac looked unable to move. Naissa started screaming and then Jade and Zack. Toby ran to Eric and sat. Isaac's face was bleeding and he was crying (loudly...which is also something we don't usually hear). It all happened so fast. Growl. Screams. Blood.
Jim and I left the other kids with Grandma to calm them down and took off for the emergency room. It was so foggy it was frustrating. I'm trying to get my son to the emergency room and I can't see 5 feet in front of my car. I had to drive really slow, thankfully Clovis Community is 3-4 minutes away (in good weather).
We got there, realized his pants were all wet and he didn't have any shoes, we found another pair of pants in the car and put a jacket he had outgrown over his feet and headed towards the dark doorway of the ER. There was only one man sitting there, but no one to check us in. That's when I realized I was wearing my slippers. Oh well! After what seemed like forever, a woman came out and got our info and handed me a form to fill out on the "patient". It wanted to know where he worked, his driver's license number and cell number etc... It only frustrated me, they could be helping my son but first I have to fill out forms explaining why my 3 year old doesn't have a job??? More waiting. A man called us back, took our information again, got his weight and blood pressure and sent us back to the waiting (torture) area. Thankfully it wasn't TOO much longer that we were called back into a room with two other people, laying in beds, hooked up to all sorts of gadgets. We weren't given a bed, but a dentist like chair and then a nurse came in and asked all the same questions. She cleaned him up a bit, asked more questions. Because it was a dog bite, they are required by law to fill out a special form on the dog that did the biting. I dreaded this.....this wasn't the first time Toby had bit someone. It wasn't the first time someone had food that Toby wanted. But I couldn't lie and tell them I didn't know the dog when Isaac said the dog's name. I couldn't lie and tell them I didn't know that Toby was my brother's dog. I couldn't lie and tell them that I didn't know where my brother lived or his phone number. So I had no other choice than to give them the information. I only prayed that my brother would understand. I don't blame my brother. I don't even blame Toby. Toby is a dog....a wonderful dog. No matter how wonderful he is, he is still a dog. I think we forget sometimes because our "pets" are such a part of our family.
Anyway, the doctor came in and explained everything at a slow pace. He said he didn't want to cause Isaac any more trauma or for him to be afraid of doctors. He said they would give Isaac some medication that would put him into a trance like state, the nurse compared it to someone being on LSD, he would be awake but not really there. He wouldn't feel anything and when he came out of it he might not even remember anything that happened. I forgot to mention that this happened around 10:45pm. It was around 2:00am that Isaac was sleeping on the bed and they began the procedure. He looked as peaceful as one could with his cheek gaping open and his lip swelling....and then they gave him the shot in the leg that would give him the spaced out trip. He cried, "Owwww" and I rubbed his other leg, comforting him as best I could from over the bed rail. After only 3-4 minutes he was out of it. His eyes were open and would look around but he didn't flinch at all when the nurse began to clean the wounds...nor when the doctor started to stitch him up. In less than 20 minutes he had 6 stitches in his cheek and 1 above his lip. The doctor said the hole inside of his lip, where Toby's teeth had gone all the way through, would heal on it's own in just a few days.
After the doctor was done, we had to wait 2 hours for Isaac to fully wake up. This was not easy, because it was 4am and who wanted to be awake then?? We kept the lights down low and the room quiet because the nurse said it would help Isaac to come out of it better. (She said the last child that had that medicine woke up screaming and was hard to calm him down.) Jim slept in a chair while I hung over the railing, rubbing Isaac's leg and arm and smoothing back his hair and talking to him gently every once in a while. He finally woke up and I asked him if he remembered what happened....he said, "Toby bite-ed me". He remembered. After Isaac was able to answer some questions and touch his nose and take a few steps without falling, we were able to take him home.
We went to my parent's to get the other kids, who were sleeping peacefully, and loaded them and all our new treasures into the car and drove home. We got home about 5:45am Christmas morning and unloaded everybody and everything. We were too tired to "play santa" so our tree remained bare and Jim, Isaac and I were in bed by 6:30am. Naissa went to bed too but Jade and Zack were now awake, so they stayed up and watched movies. Zack let us sleep for about 1 1/2 hours before coming in wanting to open presents. We were so out of it we said okay but never got up. So Zack came in again and again and again until finally around 9:30am we got up. 3 hours of sleep is not good when you have a Christmas cold!! BUT it was Christmas, so we engaged in more gluttony. We made breakfast around 11am and were late to everything the rest of the day. We went to Jim's parents and then my parents, though we missed my Aunt and Uncles at my parent's house. We had planned on going home early and getting some sleep but Jim and I fell asleep at my parent's and just slept and slept. Isaac did too. The others watched movies and played with toys and such.
Christmas did not turn out how I planned. But life rarely does. lol! We didn't' have our "Birthday Party for Jesus" and we didn't make our "pull apart bread" for breakfast and we didn't read the Christmas story as we opened the Nativity boxes but we did spend time together and we have been talking about the Christmas story. It just didn't go as I planned.
Posted by z007mom at 10:44 AM 2 comments
Friday, December 21, 2007
Flu Shots
On our way home from picking Naissa up today, a man was standing outside the front of the school. As I passed by and smiled he turned and told me they were giving free flu shots today. I thought to myself, do we need shots? He gave me the info and we kept walking home. By the time we got home I decided this was a great opportunity seeing how the kid's insurance may not cover the flu shots and I am currently uninsured. I grabbed the immunizations records and the kids and headed back to school. Turned out it cost $9 per person for the shot. bummer. Jim hasn't got paid yet. I decided I'd write a check and hope that they wouldn't cash it right away. When I filled out the papers they asked me about health insurance and I told them how the kids had Healthy Families and they gave us, including me, the flu shots for free! Hallelujah! I called Jim and had him come get a shot and both my parents came by too. $9 is a lot better than paying for the whole thing because the insurance doesn't cover it. My arm is unexpectedly sore. I thought Naissa was going to hold her breath and pass out when it was her turn. She screamed! really loud! I'm glad she's 5 and not 10. That would've been extremely embarrassing!
I didn't take a picture this time but our kitchen table has been decorate with lots of colorful markers that won't come off!! Thanks to a cute little boy I like to call Isaac!! It's definitely time to get a table cloth and some plastic to go over it!
I noticed too that our other table that we have in the front room has more permanent marker on the other side of the leg! It had already been drawn on several months ago but now, it just seems more....um? fuller? marked up?
One more day of school and it's vacation! Yippee!! Isaac and I walked Naissa to school this morning in the rain! I could definitely use a break from that! It's been just plain cold outside this week. We get back to the house and crank up the heat so we can defrost ourselves before having to go back and pick her up!
I finished wrapping everybody's Christmas presents today, while watching Mickey's Magical Christmas (snowed in at the house of mouse). Isaac fell asleep so I was able to wrap his presents too. And yes I kept watching Mickey's Magical Christmas by myself!
Posted by z007mom at 4:37 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Last night was Jade's first Winter concert. It was much like the one we went to the night before for Leesha. The band and orchestra play and the choirs sing, Christmas songs. I always enjoy Buchanan's because at the end they do like a grand finale sing along with everybody! (audience included) I am amazed that they are still able to sing Joy to the World and O Come All Ye Faithful and other songs that are about Jesus Christ's birth. It was very touching to look around the school gym and see so many people singing, "O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord". We were not in church, we were at the public school. I wonder how many people realize what they are singing, or if they have just heard these songs play on the radio or whatever and just sing along not knowing, not realizing that they are singing about praising and rejoicing over Jesus Christ. It's rather amusing when I think about it!
Alta didn't have the sing along but the choirs were more entertaining this year than Buchanan's. Jade had to push the marimba back to the Alta band room, from the Buchanan gym, in the rain! She was soaking wet when we picked her up.
This morning is Zack's Winter program. His class has learned the Mexican Hat dance and another song that I can't spell. He has asked me for over a week to let him stay home today, because he didn't want to dance. They are all partnered up and his partner changed on Monday now he is with Dulce. Dulce keeps passing him notes in class and "driving him crazy" as he says! lol!
Naissa is going back to school today, I assume, she is not awake yet. She was doing better last night. It's show and tell day...maybe she'll share her new silver teeth! lol!! It's also early release day! My favorite day of the week, besides Friday of course! Only 3 more days of school, counting today, until vacation!
I am going to pick up our Christmas pictures today! I'm hoping they turned out, it's hard to really tell when you order them online. I realized this last week that a lot of people don't know we moved and those that do, don't have our new address!
Zack had his Winter program this morning. He didn't dance with Dulce after all. He was back with his original partner. They sang America the Beautiful, Feliz Navidad, Dale Dale (sp?) and then danced the Mexican Hat Dance. After the danced the Mexican Hat Dance with their partners, they each went down into the audience and grabbed a family member (Zack grabbed me) and we ALL danced the Mexican Hat Dance!! It was fun!
Posted by z007mom at 7:59 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Haircut. Lameness.
I am not happy about it but I trimmed up Zack's hair this morning. It's not even. It's not cool. I am not happy. Zack's teacher is out for 2 days so he had a sub yesterday and the sub turned him in for "being out of dress code." I didn't realize how distracting it is to have hair down to your earlobe! Man, I probably wouldn't be able to focus if I was in Zack's class....his hair would distract me too much!!
I hate these stupid rules! Of course I've never been one for stupid rules....rules that are for safety are rules I can handle. Rules that are just used for controlling others make me crazy!
I remember in high school, there was a guy in my class who didn't shave that morning and he had some stubble. The learning directors had him shave at school with a dry razor! So he was pulled out of class, missed the teaching, had to make up his work, just because of a little stubble. Like any of the students noticed or cared about his stubble! Likewise, Zack was sent out of class yesterday, to the GIS, because his hair was to his eyes and earlobes. LAME!
Posted by z007mom at 8:56 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 17, 2007
"I love you Mom"
The words I cherish most.
After a long day away from my son, we sat in the gym at the BHS Winter Concert. During one of the songs I felt his little hand slip into mine and then his head leaned in on my side. I turned to look at him and he gazed up at me with the most precious smile and said those words I love to hear...."I love you Mom." With the dynamics of the music rising I could hardly hold back the tears! I had missed my boy. We are not usually apart for so long. I know it will not always be this way but for now I cherish the thought that the only place he wanted to be was by my side!
Earlier today Naissa had oral surgery. I got to spend a couple of hours of one on one time with her. We read and colored and played "Don't Bug Me" and "Slap Dragon" and tried not to watch Spongebob, though it was hard not to look at the TV. I think there must be special magnets in TV's that draw our eyes towards them, even when there is nothing we care to see on them. (side note: they were the same spongebob cartoons that were on last week when Zack and I were there)
Naissa did really well considering that the whole ordeal can be quite frightening, especially for a 5 year old. We only had a 2 hour wait until she was called back. They gave her the "silly gas" (stinky gas is what we call it). She was afraid of the mask, I don't blame her, she was laying there and all of a sudden a big mask came at her face, blocking her sight and covering her mouth and nose....scary! Knowing the procedures needed to be done I felt helpless as she looked at me with fear in her eyes and a pleading look for me to "save" her. She fell asleep quickly. It was awful. She appeared as though she had died. It was enough to cause me to forget to take my own breath. I was then sent back out to the waiting room with tears in my eyes, where I sat and sat for what seemed to be FOREVER! Finally after about 45 minutes they called me up to tell me Naissa was in the recovery room and doing fine. Then back to the waiting room for another 20+ minutes until she would be more awake. I tried to read a book I had brought but couldn't focus, so I tried a magazine....still couldn't focus. All I could do was sit and wait, anxiously. When Naissa had tubes put in her ears I didn't get to be with her when they gave her "silly gas" to knock her out, some how seeing her "fall asleep" just made it harder. It took everything in me to remain positive, thanks to a mom I had met while waiting 6 hours with Zack who told me about a child who died on the table at a dental place in Madera. Great. Just what my mind needs to focus on. And you know the more you try NOT to think about something the MORE you seem to think about it!
Naissa did well though. She has been much more groggy than Zack was, of course they had totally different things done. Our dentist referred Naissa because she needed 4 "small" fillings. When Naissa was "asleep" they were able to get really good x-rays and found her teeth to be worse off. She needed 5, yes FIVE root canals and then had 5 silver caps put on her molars!! Once again, I'm afraid I will be passed up on the Mother of the Year award. She was so cute when she was waking up. One of the first things she said was, "Can we go to McDonald's now? Poor thing hadn't eaten since 8pm the night before. I had eaten some wheat thins around 10 or 11pm so I know she was hungry. My stomach was letting everyone know that I had neglected it today. When Zack couldn't eat for his oral surgery, Jim and I told him we wouldn't eat either, not until he could. I took Zack while Jim stayed home and cleaned up the mess caused by two little kids with a stomach bug. I didn't eat. Jim did. So I did the same thing with Naissa. She couldn't eat, so I didn't eat. She did really well, though I have a feeling she will be staying home tomorrow.
As I was pulling out of the driveway to take Naissa, I got a call from the school. I wasn't sure which one because when the kids call me from their various schools it always shows me the same number....different from the individual school's numbers....so usually when I see this number on my phone, one of my kid's is in the nurses' office. So I'm thinking I better answer this that way I can catch my mom who is driving the other direction with Isaac, and she can go take care of whoever is "sick". So I inconveniently answer my cell phone while backing out and it's not the nurse. It's like a GIS from the elementary school, she talked so fast I couldn't make out all of her words. What I did hear was that Zachary needs to have his hair cut today, he has been told by his teacher, the principal and myself (whoever she was). He is out of dress code. He will need to have his hair cut above his eyes and ears before tomorrow. blah blah blah.....
The thing of it is that this is the first time anyone from the school has contacted me in any way. Zack did tell me last week that someone had said something to him about needing a haircut, but that's it. People all the time say he needs a haircut, because they think he should have a buzz cut or one of those little boy cuts where they cut the hair to look like a mushroom. I know it's just hair but it just really ticks my ticker. It wasn't my first contact with the school today either. I had called into the office to let them know Naissa would not be coming to school and as was met with a very gruff, lacking communication skills woman who was obviously upset I had interrupted her game of minesweeper. Some how the definition of insanity fits here because whenever I call the school, for whatever reason, I always think things are going to be different.....I will hear a pleasant voice, they will be kind and have a sweet tone, a desire to help me find the answer to my question, direct me in my educational needs.....especially when I bend over backwards to get them their money for my kids attending their school. For instance, last week when Zack had oral surgery, we took him to school for 5 minutes so that he could get homework and would count as being in school. They got their money, why can't they be nice?
After Naissa and I got home there was a message on the home phone from the nurse at the elementary school. She said we have a frozen turkey here that you need to come pick up because we can't store it and it is going to defrost so you need to come get it today.
O.....KAY?! What turkey and why are we getting one and why is this the first I've heard of it? It was after 4pm but Jim went and got a free turkey. Funny thing though....most of us won't eat meat off the bone! And the one and only time Jim cooked a turkey he left the bag of guts in it and we ended up throwing it out! Yuck!
So once again I am confronted with the word LAME! I just don't know how much more LAME I can take. I sit here and go through the pros and cons and pains and gains but the word LAME keeps popping up. Like most things, it's the little things that get you most.
Posted by z007mom at 11:56 PM 0 comments
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Update on Zachary's oral surgery
Zachary's oral surgery went well, once it went. His appointment was at 1:00pm. He was called back about 5:45pm. We were home about 6:45pm. I have now watched more than enough SpongeBob and Drake & Josh to last my whole life and then some. Let me add that I don't care for either of the shows. Apparently there were a couple of dental emergencies and some of the procedures took longer than their allotted hour per child. Even though I got up and moved around frequently, I am still stiff. I don't do "waiting" very well. I get more restless than my children do when we have to wait 2 hours at the doctor's office. I think they put the movies on for the parents as much as for the kids. So after nearly being driven mad with waiting, with spongebob, they called Zachary's name. They took him back and put the sleeping gas mask on him and then gave him an IV. They took X-rays and then came out to show me and explain what needed to be done. Instead of just his 4 baby teeth being pulled, he needed 5 of them pulled plus 3 fillings in his permanent teeth. (Guess what the kids are getting for Christmas this year? Yep, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss etc....) I signed the consent and they sent me back to wait some more! (They're coming to take me away Ha! Ha! Ho! Ho! He! He!)
This time the wait wasn't as long, they came out after about 20 minutes and gave me the after care instructions. Then they left me, again, in the dreaded waiting room. At least Full House was now on. (the one where Uncle Jesse's and Becky almost get married in Vegas) Just as Home Improvement was coming on I was called back....Zachary was waking up and I could now take him home!! He was lying in the bed, shivering, lip swollen, red blotchy marks on his face and forehead and a bloody cottonball taped to his hand. He was groggy. He was wheeled to the car and we headed home! That was just a little bit ago. So far he has had some water and is looking forward to eating something. I am too. I haven't eaten since last night, just like Zachary. I just couldn't eat knowing he couldn't eat for so long. Jim made pudding and my mom brought Zachary some rainbow sherbet (his request).
Naissa and Isaac seem to be doing and feeling better too.
Sorry if this is a little mumble-jumbled, I've got everyone on the couch with me.
Posted by z007mom at 6:53 PM 1 comments
Naissa's Winter Program (and sick kids)
Yesterday was Naissa's Kindergarten Winter Program during school. Jim, Isaac and I went as well as my parents and Jim's mom. I was actually surprised that so many parents showed up at 9:30 in the morning. Anyway, it was cute, they sang several songs wearing these santa hats. Naissa's hat was apparently put on with her hair in her face and there her hair remained! Plus the kid behind her kept bumping her hat which would cause it to go up and cover her face completely....kinda funny but not cool when you're trying to take a picture!
Posted by z007mom at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Recycling and Guitar Hero Obsession
Now that we are in a house we have recycling bins and have been trying to teach the kids about recycling and not wasting as well as where to put each type of garbage/waste. I had to pull out a pizza box from the green trash cans, the ones that are for grass and leaves & such, which is how my family was "caught" for ordering a pizza when they weren't supposed to! (while I was out) I've had to pull other things out as well. I actually enjoy breaking down the cereal boxes and sorting the things to be recycled. Zack and my dad have been working together to save out the soda cans and water bottles and turn them in for cash, which Zack gets to keep for things like his Tae Kwon Do belts and such. So all this to say, we've been trying to become a recycling family, and yet today Isaac wanted a "sword"......so he found one......in the middle of the paper towel roll.....a new paper towel roll.......he couldn't just pull out his "sword" like King Arthur did so he unrolled the paper towels to get his "sword"...............and then stuffed it all in the trash can!!!!
At least he tried to get it in the trash can, that's better than just leaving it from one end of the kitchen to the other!
Our friend Isaac gave Jim Guitar Hero III for Christmas, last week. Jim has been wanting it for a while, I think because it has all his favorite bands on it......Black Sabbath, Kiss, Poison, Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Dragonforce etc... So he has had fun "Rockin' Out" pretending like he's in the band. I've played some too. In fact, it can become an obsession if you're not careful. It can bring out the UGLY in you when you least expect it! Battling Lou, the devil looking guy or Slash from GnR....feeling the play isn't quite fair....not really knowing the tricks of the game.....losing can be pretty UGLY! Maddening even. In fact, some pretty colorful words can surface without any warning at all! And this is the EASY level!!
I'm fairly competitive, though many wouldn't know it because I can lose to most people gracefully....BUT I am very competitive when it comes to boosting or increasing my own score, against myself....gotta get to the next level, gotta beat my last score, gotta get all the correct notes, get all 100%, get more and more notes played consecutively......the list goes on.
So though my arms ache and my wrists and hands are pulsating....I must beat this game!!
Posted by z007mom at 9:24 PM 1 comments
Monday, December 10, 2007
Anybody seen a permanent marker? (and some cat ramblings)
Posted by z007mom at 10:16 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Saturday Night Live - I Wish It Was Christmas Today
I wish you could still watch the video to this song....it's so much better with the visual. stupid copyright laws...lol!
Posted by z007mom at 5:07 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Christmas time is here...
We put the Authentic Fake Tree up the other day but so far this is the only decoration on it! We haven't even spread out the branches, except at the top and that is where our new kitty, Josiah, likes to sleep and play. He might become a little out of sorts when we take "his" tree away after Christmas. We can't keep it up besides the fact that it's a Christmas tree, but because I have caught the branches in the sliding glass door twice now!!
I don't have a picture yet but Jim put the lights on the house...our first house....our first lights!! Well, actually that's not true. Last year Jim surprised me with lights all over outside our apartment! It was super cool! But this year, we have a house and we have lights! yeah!
I love Christmas! Don't most people? In fact, I can't think of anyone that I know personally who doesn't like Christmas. Even my religious science, buddhist and non religious relatives enjoy Christmas.
Now ME, I LOVE Christmas! It is the most wonderful time of the year!! I love it because it touches each one of my senses and has created great memories over the years. I love the sights, the sounds, the smells!! I love the lights and decorations. I love the music. I think that's why I love Disneyland at Christmas time so much. Huge trees, huge wreaths, huge ornaments, huge bells, music , parades, "snow", fireworks, the best rice krispie stars and hot chocolate!!
I love gingerbread houses and cookies, candy canes, fire in the fireplace, warm jammies, cozy blankets, Christmas movies and TV Specials ("You'll shoot your eye out")
I love Christmas Tree Lane and whatever they call the neighborhood near BHS, carolers, Jackson 5 Christmas album, potato soup, old country Christmas songs, laughter and games. I even love the band's Winter concerts, church productions, live nativities, giving gifts (and receiving gifts :) )
the anticipation.....
the magic.....
All of those things are wonderful....but being a Christian, a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ.....there is so much more.....with Jesus comes Peace, Joy and Hope! No other person can give those gifts!
So enjoy everything about the Christmas season: the sights, the sounds, the smells, the tastes and the whole experience! Remember, even though Christian marketers and such are making money off the saying that it really is true....
Jesus is the Reason for the Season!!
Posted by z007mom at 3:11 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Trailer
Posted by z007mom at 3:41 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Back to School/Toy Box/Plant Cells
Booo! We have to go back to school tomorrow. I don't want to. I like it when my kids are home and we get to hang out and play games like the never-ending games of UNO, watch Christmas movies, read lots of books, play outside, go to Disneyland! School just means stress for me, more meaningless papers, copying spelling words(not me), trying to encourage my kids to do their best on a project I have no desire to make them do, fighting and hollering over finding clothes, lost shoes and crunched homework papers, late nights of pain in the butt math problems, pulling in Grandma to help come up with fresh ideas on how to create a 3-D plant cell and me worrying about whether or not my kids are up to Clovis standards! Everyday I miss homeschooling, but I feel unequipped to get my kids through the ridiculous amounts of requirements...of subjects and rules and techniques and languages and math crap that they will probably NEVER use again. I am going to stop right here and change the subject before I get all worked up!
Jade had to make a 3-D plant cell. She had a couple of weeks to do it but of course waited until the weekend before it was due. Seeing how we had just spent the week in Disneyland and celebrating Thanksgiving, Jim and I had enough of our own stuff to do without having to come up with ideas and materials for a plant cell. So we did what any logical, worn out, stressed out, tired, frustrated, don't wanna spend our time doing science set of parents would do...we went to Grandma's. We took a bunch of materials over and the list of what she had to do and just let Jade and Grandma go to work! I think it turned out great! AND the best part...I didn't have to do it! We even got in another game of never-ending UNO while watching "White Christmas".
It's not very long before Christmas...the thought of 2 weeks off will hopefully get me through these next few weeks! Jim is starting Contractor's school this week and he's already got a kick start on his new business. He'll be working all day for a week or two. Crazy. Time to adjust again. I'm sure I will write about these things more as they come up but both Zack and Naissa will be having oral surgery in the next couple of weeks! I've got to learn to worry only for today...not tomorrow! I know the verse...I just can't seem to apply it!
P.S. Did I mention that Isaac put the good jump rope in the toilet today? There's nothing like getting hit with a soaking wet jump rope that's dripping with toilet water! Woo Hoo!! And at the same time the cats were meowing non stop for us to lift the lid of the other toilet...because they were thirsty....because Jade hadn't done her "Chores"
Pray for us.
Posted by z007mom at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Our trip to the Happiest Place on Earth
We had a great time at Disneyland this week. We drove down on Sunday, went to Disneyland and California Adventure Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and then drove home on Thanksgiving Day. I kept forgetting to take pictures, I missed so many great opportunities for black mailing my kids! lol!


One of the things Naissa, Isaac, my dad and I did while the others went on the "Big" rides was outback in Frontier Land. Reindeer Round Up. We decorated cookies and watch magic tricks and sang silly Christmas songs, saw Pluto dressed up as a reindeer as well as several real reindeer...we could even smell the reindeer!

We saw quite a few people from home at the Happiest Place on Earth. Teachers new and old, friends from school and church, friends from childhood...one friend I haven't seen in about 15 years! Our kids are all grown up now! Crazy!

Posted by z007mom at 10:50 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Venting, The Happiest Place on Earth and Hair Cut
We are leaving for Disneyland in the morning. We are so excited......we can't stand each other! Our kids are driving us crazy and we are driving our kids crazy. We are really looking forward to the vacation but getting ready for it is about to send us all over the edge. The kids have chosen the last couple of days to not listen to anything we say and to do the complete opposite of what we ask them to do. With the pressure of needing to have clean clothes to wear and gas in the car and our kitties and turtle taken care of and our bills paid (because they are due before we get back) and everything being such a mess (again) we are losing it left and right.
Naissa and Isaac packed their own suitcases, full of stuffed animals, doll clothes, stickers and books, underwear and lollipops. They both had meltdowns when I unpacked them to put their clothes in them.
Zack got this new marble thing you build up and let the marbles roll down from our neighbors, so he keeps sneaking off to play with it. Jade and Naissa have the never ending baskets of laundry coming out of their rooms every other hour while crying out "I HAVE to have this washed for the trip". Isaac finally passed out on the front room floor. The constant arguing and "I'm telling" whines have hit that last nerve ALL DAY! I went to Walmart to find socks for Isaac and found myself just wandering around. I have no idea what I was looking at and I didn't buy extra stuff, I think I just walked around like a zombie for an hour...I hope no one recognized me! (lol!)
I am looking forward to many things at Disneyland. Naissa was three and Isaac was one when we last went to Disneyland and I spent most of the time on the little train that rides near the big whale mouth, Casey something. We also rode the Tea Cups but we didn't spin around, too hard to do while holding two small children. We stood in line FOREVER to go on the Peter Pan ride, but it's one of my favorites so I didn't mind. Mr. Toad's Wild Ride is not for little kids! I didn't care for it either, especially the hot air. Jim meanwhile took Jade and Zack on all kinds of rides. I think we'll be doing more trading off this year. lol! It should be a lot of fun.
On a different note, I got my hair cut off today! Around 12 inches! I didn't know when I went in that I would come out with short hair but what the heck, it'll grow!
I guess I better get back to packing! The Happiest Place on Earth is waiting for our arrival!! If you read this pray for us!
Posted by z007mom at 9:52 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Thanksgiving Luncheon in 20 minutes
We went to the Thanksgiving Luncheon at the school today. They couldn't find our form or our check, said maybe the teacher forgot to turn it in. As we waited for my son's class, we saw the Me-n-Ed's delivery guy bring the pizzas for the party my son was giving up to come eat with us. Not a lot of parents there. Those that were there, were in big groups...mom, dad, step mom, siblings etc... We were served by the cheerleaders. Mashed potatoes. Turkey gravy (with bits of turkey in it, not just flavored). Green beans. Diced pears. Roll. Pumpkin cake. Chocolate Milk. It sounds better and tasted better than it looks in the picture. I was pleasantly surprised, even Naissa ate some turkey gravy!!
Posted by z007mom at 1:02 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Another LAME sighting
Our elementary school is having their Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, where parents (and siblings) can come to school and eat a "Hot Turkey Meal" with their kid. We did this when Leesha was in elementary school at Lincoln. It was fun and the food was actually really good (and it cost the same as buying a hot lunch in the cafeteria...the same cost for everybody). Here we are paying more for siblings and even more for adults than a hot lunch AND my sons teacher went and planned a pizza party for the kids who were turning in all their work and being responsible AT THE SAME TIME as her class would be eating with their families! So Zack has to miss out on one of them...and I'm guessing he won't be eating pizza for lunch! AND my Kindergartner is supposed to be in her class 5 minutes before the Luncheon time, so we are having to pull her out of class to eat with her family...which I thought was the whole point of having the stupid Luncheon?!?!
In my pissy mood I want to tell them that we adults better have more food on our trays than the students, since we are paying more...but I know that's just petty and I probably wouldn't eat it anyway. I'm just huffing and puffing my frustrations and the LAMENESS of things. It might be different if they announced this as a fundraiser.
Posted by z007mom at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What's One Crocodile's Tooth More or Less
As I sat in the waiting room of the dentist office this morning, my two boys were watching “Dunston Checks In” and my youngest daughter was in the chair. She had come back in for a tiny filling. I had watched only a moment earlier as they put the “silly gas” mask over her nose and mouth. Not wanting to watch or HEAR the dentist work, I returned to the waiting room only a few feet away. I tried to pay attention to the TV but frankly, the movie was lame and not holding my attention (maybe in a different setting it would be cute). I got out a piece of paper and began to make my “list” for our upcoming trip, when I heard Naissa cry out, a scared sounding cry, a sad cry. My body tensed and began to fight the urge to run in and save my daughter from the pain and fear….sitting frozen, just listening for the cue to go to her…but knowing she needed to have the filling done. After a moment, maybe two….the assistant came to the door and called me back. They weren’t sure if they should continue. Naissa still wore the “silly gas” mask, but she wasn’t handling all the equipment they were trying to put in her tiny mouth. They were concerned that even if they got through this filling, she would need to come back for the other 3 fillings! FOUR CAVITIES!!! She’s only 5 for goodness sake!! We talked about the options and decided that it would be easiest and probably best to have her sleep while all 4 were done. So now I will have to make an appointment with the oral surgeon. While we were there they did X-rays on Zack’s mouth because his filling had fallen out two nights ago while eating a snickers. Turns out he needs to have FOUR teeth removed…..another oral surgery appointment. His baby teeth (molars) have decided not to come out on their own and the permanent teeth are trying to push them out but becoming infected in the effort. One of them is trying to come out way above where it should be. Oral surgery. I did that with Leesha twice. It’s not easy to let strangers take your child back into a room, knock them out and yank out their teeth!
Posted by z007mom at 10:37 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Zack's Birthday
We celebrated Zack's 10th birthday today. He had friends from school and church come and play Flag Football. Jim headed up one team and our neighbor Eddie headed up the other! They had a lot of fun! There were 16 boys not counting Jim and Eddie...lol!
They did an old fashion Egg Toss with a few Jim Loper Twists. Besides squished eggs in their hands and on the grass, I think only two kids got it good on their clothes and one egg got our house. Good Times!!
Big Bubble Blowing Contest!
What's a Birthday with out a little cake on your face?
Happy Birthday Zack! Love You Bud!
Posted by z007mom at 9:47 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 9, 2007
And the Award Goes To........
Last week Zack was awarded with his Big Four and Perfect Attendance.
Jim and I were both a little teary eyed because we knew who our runner was. We knew because it was our son! When Zack ran in that day he was farther back than we expected and he was visible upset. Holding back the tears he told us how he had accidentally knocked a kid down and how he had to go back and help him up and that was why he was towards the end. We talked about him doing the right thing and how that was more important than winning.
The principal didn’t know who it was and asked. One kid stood up and said it was him and everyone clapped. At the same time other kids from the Cross Country team were whispering and pointing at Zack. Jim and I were some what perplexed but shrugged it off knowing that Zack had done the same thing.
After school I talked to Zack about the Coach’s Award. He didn’t know what it was until AFTER he was given it. The Coaches told him it was the highest award you could get etc…. His friend Jordan got the MVP award. Zack shared that the kid who stood up hadn’t knocked anybody over or helped anybody up, he just wanted the attention. The other kids on the Cross Country team all knew it was Zack. The Coaches knew it was Zack. That may have been one of the reasons he received the Coach’s Award. But Zack just said, “Let him have the attention, I know I did it. My friends and Coaches know I did it.”
I am so proud. It almost makes up for him flipping me off!
Posted by z007mom at 10:45 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Isaac, the sweater vest and Carson

Posted by z007mom at 12:05 PM 1 comments