"I drank Jade's Alligator all" Isaac came in and told us. If it weren't for these moments I don't know if I would survive. What Isaac was telling us was that he drank all of his big sister's Gatorade. Funny boy. Makes me laugh. He is true to his name...Isaac...means laughter! I think God knew we would need some laughter in our lives. Because the "Pure Joy" I gave birth to before Laughter hasn't been so pure or joyful. In fact she fits the old poem from my childhood.
There was a little girl
who had a little curl
right in the middle of her forehead
When she was good
she was very very good
but when she was bad she was horrid
The only difference is that "Pure Joy" doesn't have a little curl in the middle of her forehead. That could be because SHE cut it off herself several months ago!
Such attitude for a barely 5 year old. If you looked at attitude alone you might think she was a twin of our 12 year old "Precious Green Gem". Those girls can drive ya bonkers with their, "Oh no you di-un't" crap!
Then there's our "Whom God hath remembered" almost 10 year old. I don't think God could forget him, he's caused a lot of ruckus in his nine years. Born the most sweet calm little boy, sleeping through the night at 3 weeks, smiling with his cute little dimple, blonde and blue eyed like his mama. Then he turned 2 1/2. That's when it all began. Experiments with shaving cream, shower gel, hand soap, nail polish and toothpaste. Toothpaste I think was a favorite. We would find it everywhere. Once I walked into the bathroom to find it squeezed on to each lightbulb (there were seven), on the toilet seat, the toilet paper, the tub faucet, the knobs on the drawers and several other obscure places, not all found that day.
I'm sure when Zack meets God face to face, he will say something like, Aahhh yes, the infamous Zack. The one who smeared 2 tubs of butter on his sister's wall and covered himself in blue permanent marker on Thanksgiving Day, the one who chews up all the little lego pieces until they are unrecognizable, the one who yelled, "Oh Shit" on the T-ball field when the ball went passed him, the one who accepted me in to his heart and told his mom he hated me, just to make her crazy, the one who wouldn't touch a vegetable but would drink his dad's V-8, the one who tried to hide his food in his sippy cup so he could have dessert, the one who takes anything and everything apart just to see how it works or looks inside, the one who wouldn't wear anything but his elephant costume for 3 months, and would only wear shorts in the winter and long pants in the summer, the one who throws angry tantrums, the one who wants to cuddle, (AND THE LIST WILL GO ON AND ON AND ON....)yes, I could never forget you"
Our oldest "obedient" is just that. I actually hope she rebels someday. Though not against me! ;)
With all the craziness there is I can't help but laugh! For that I am extremely THANKFUL!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
"I drank Jade's Alligator all"
Posted by z007mom at 10:21 AM
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