Thursday, June 26, 2008
Why is it that everyday is "One of Those Days"??
Harley and Josiah
Posted by z007mom at 1:17 AM 0 comments
Harley's Gift (and kids in the pool)
Posted by z007mom at 12:52 AM 0 comments
I'm back and so are the messes

Posted by z007mom at 12:24 AM 0 comments
My doll
As I was cleaning out some boxes, I ran across a box of stuffed animals. Seeing that I have no where to display them and my kids have enough of their own, I decided to take a picture of them and let them go. Except for this doll. My grandma Audie made me this doll when I was little. She's probably over 30 years old. They just don't make 'em like this anymore. I'm not even sure why they made them like this? I used to have a similar doll that was Little Red Riding Hood. On one side she was Little Red and when you flipped her over she was the Grandmother and the Wolf. There was a bonnet that you flipped back and forth to switch the character. Way cool. Now I just need to find a safe place for her so my kids don't rip her to shreds.
Posted by z007mom at 12:05 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
BHS c/o 08
Posted by z007mom at 2:04 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Kindergarten Celebration
Posted by z007mom at 1:15 PM 0 comments
Gunpowder and Lead
Posted by z007mom at 11:36 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Whoever said beauty is in the eye of the beholder, never beheld this!
Posted by z007mom at 11:56 PM 0 comments
More Awards
As it is with everything...the quiet stillness didn't last! In fact it escalated rather quickly from calmly drinking some punch to hiding behind a tree to peeing and running away from dad! I wonder if Trace Adkins was singing about these moments when he sang his latest hit, "You're Gonna Miss This" ?? Or Kenny Chesney and his song, "Don't Blink" ?? Yes, it's true we usually laugh at these things after a while but when they are a constant thing, the funny just gets old. But I love them!!
Posted by z007mom at 9:35 PM 0 comments
Did Timmy fall into the well again?
I was just dreaming of a race - I wasn't in it but I was there with my camera and there were teams wearing shirts/uniforms that matched their cars. Not just like blue shirts and blue cars but like 8 people dressed in Incredible shirts and their cars were all crazy shaped but matched their shirts. Other things were happening, too odd to try to explain, you know how dreams can be?!
I was brought to consciousness by a sort of moaning/growling noise. I wasn't sure where it was coming from. Our windows were all open so maybe it was outside, of course I could still be dreaming...but I kept hearing it. The more I woke up the more I was able to recognize the sound.
A cat. It was like a low guttural growl. Not a sound you would hear in fear or in a fight but one you might hear if they were hurt or hording a mouse, bird or other fine treasure. I jumped up, afraid of the worst (my stomach & head would have to catch up with me later). The sound seemed like it was coming from outside my bedroom window. Crap! Please don't let one of my cats be dying out there! The cars go so stinkin' fast. Already lost Zeke. I looked out the window but saw nothing - so I headed for the front door....but as I'm walking I hear the sound again and then Grizabella appears from the other end of the hallway and she's got something in her mouth! Oh please don't let it be a live catch! She walks to me and lays her catch at my feet and as my eyes focus, I realize (to my relief) that it's not a poor mouse, moth, bird or even something from our neighbors trash but instead it is a cat collar.
Dread hits as I pick it up. I know whose it is before reading the tag. Please NO! Without a second thought I'm out the door on the front lawn wearing a blue night gown, watching the cars go by, looking for a lump of fur - Thank God I don't see one. Grizabella is still by my side, it's almost like she's guiding me - Hey! Haven't I seen this on TV before? The name Lassie comes to mind.....Grizz walks a step.....comes back and rubs against my legs.....walks a couple steps.....rubs my legs......steps.....rubs.....steps......rubs. Does this really happen? Could she be trying to tell me something? Does she know where Josiah is? Is Josiah in the well?
I follow her back into the house and to the back door/sliding door. Dread again. The thoughts of finding my cat injured or dead are beginning to choke me. My body is tense and heating up, heart is pounding faster, what happened to all the air? I call out, "Josiah, here kitty kitty" but get nothing. I scan the yard - dang, I wish we'd mowed! There's movement near the swing set. Could it be? I think so but why is he acting funny? Grizz is standing with me, quiet and still. I call again, "Josiah!" His head turned towards me - a small wave of relief but he's still acting funny. Is he all right? Is he hurt? Can he walk? I have to get closer, the stupid "grass" hurts my bare feet but I have to know.....I get closer.....Josiah pounces on something. Relief floods my body. He's okay! He was stalking a bug. I kneel down as to not disturb his game but he gives up the bug and runs to me. I scoop him up and slip his collar back on, givin' him some love. Then we all went back in the house.
Thanks Grizzabella. I'm not sure what your motive was - helping or tattling - but I'm so glad you're all safe!
Posted by z007mom at 1:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
That is the Question
"Y"? This is the screen on my laptop! The daisies are my screensaver. The scribbling across NOT!! It is crayon!! I'm thinking that we might be entitled to some type of royalties from Crayola and Sharpie because everything I own advertises their products all over them!!
"Y"?? Zack has tried freezing many things over the years, I can't even count how many times I've pulled out odd - frozen objects. Frozen drinks of all sorts, koosh balls in bowl, superheros and ninja turtles, toothpicks and popsicle sticks all in cups and bowls of water turned to ice. One of my favorites was the rubber gloves filled with water, forming a nice frozen ice hand. All sorts of things. Isaac watched Zack like a HAWK. Isaac came in with this bowl and a big smile on his face. He was so excited that he had made "frozen waffles"! He said, "Look mom, I freezed a waffle!" A piece of waffle in a bowl of ice cubes! lol! I couldn't help but praise him for his effort! One of these days I'll explain to him that eggo waffles are already frozen in the box!
"Y"?? "Y" is there a shoestring missing out of Jim's shoes?"Y" is it no where to be found? Makes it hard to wear 'em!
"Y"?? "Y" was this bowl with a soggy waffle smothered in cinnamon found in the boy's room? "Y"?? That's a lot of cinnamon! I don't think the ants were even interested! And what is it with waffles in this house??
Posted by z007mom at 1:08 PM 0 comments